The Top Ten Secrets of the Enterprise
- All routine maintenance is done by Oompa-Loompas.
- Pulaski was sealed in an unused Jeffries Tube by Data when she
insulted him too many times.
- Riker's parents were Nazis. His initial "T" is for "Third"
(Get it?)
- Troi starts all counseling sessions with males asking "So is
that a phaser rifle in your pocket, or are you glad to see me?
- Before joining Starfleet, Picard was a Chippendale's dancer.
- "Worf" is Klingon for "pinhead".
- Riker amuses himself by signing all reports "F. Off." (For
first officer, twit)
- Geordi is taking a shuttle apart and mailing it home piece by
- Picard is Wesley's father.
- Due to a time-travel accident, Wesley is Picard's father.