So where do you want to go?
Search Engines
Altavista: Main Page-REALLY huge search engine
Yahoo-like a mini version of Altavista and easier to use
Lycos-best used as a literature search
Webcrawler-the very first internet search engine!
Ultimate Band List-A great place to look up your favorite bands
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Buffy the Vampire Slayer Sites
Homework Helpers
College Links
Hey look at some of the colleges I applied to and get some financial aid maybe.
Stuff To Send
Music Sites
Ultimate Band List-Looking for that song lyric or band homepage?
Les Misérables-The Complete Multilingual Library
Laguna Creek Chat-A place mostly for Lagunarians, but anyone can come
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"Buffy: the Vampire Slayer" is the property of Warner Bros and Joss Whedon. No copyright infringement is intended.
I do not endorse, nor am I responsible fot the content of the websites I have provided links to.
I'm just a high school student doing this for fun. Note to non-lawyers: I had to put this here because of the lawyers.
Note to the lawyers: don't you feel special?